Christ Shares

Sharing Christ's Teachings, Testifying to his Goodness

About us

We are ChristShares

I’m Ajani Afolabi and though I was born into a Christian home in the 60’s, I was born again in 1986.
I’m not a great talker, like Moses, but I do like writing, and I’ve after many years decided to stop resisting, surrender to God and write – whatever he inspires me to write because the instruction he gave me back in 2014 was

“Teach my people my word, that they may stand in My Word, encouraged and not discouraged, bold as Lions, soaring as Eagles, overcoming the world”.
“Make them bold and strong, terrors to the kingdom of darkness, for my life, the power that created the universe dwells in you”.

I pray the Good Lord inspires me to add some value, answer some questions, and provide some enlightenment, some spark, some encouragement to your lives while blessing you and leading you in a new dimension as he continues to set you free with the impartation of wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit to your lives.
Christ shares Mission and vision