Christ Shares

Sharing Christ's Teachings, Testifying to his Goodness

Christians and Myths

Now to some people the whole of christianity is a myth. They either don’t believe Jesus was who he presented himself to be, or don’t even believe he esisted at all.

This post isn’t meant for those people at all but for sincere believing christians who have either been taught certain things that aren’t at all supported by the bible, or have somehow come to believe things it doesnt say, or misinterpreted scripture.

Some examples include:

I don’t believe anything bad can ever happen to me because I’m a child of God.

Whoever rules the country or gets elected must have been chosen by God because you can’t reach there unless God appoints you.

I can’t fail because God is directing me and is on my side.

I’m going to stand up for Jesus about this or that so God wull protect me and I won’t suffer any consequences.

This and that happened, so Jesus is coming very soon.

However, far more dangerous, damaging or insidious are the insinuations or assumptions that God doesnt actually mean what he’s explicitly stated in the Bible. This tends to come up when christians want to water down one of God’s commands or instructions and therefore come up with a contemporary narrative that allows them to do what they desire to do without any restraint i.e. find a “get out of jail card” that lets them off from doing what the’re instructed because they are “free”.

You see, we either take our instructions from the bible and believe what it says and that the authors were divinley inspired to record God’s will for us to learn and obey – or we don’t believe it at all. Can we just pick and choose what’s convenient for us and really think this is pleasing to God?

Now I’m not saying any of us is perfect and without struggles, or major challenges that we face, but that we need to have a seeking, searching penitet mindset and heart. Yielding to truth, submissive to the word of God. Paul cautioned us about following fables. They get us into trouble and cause us to deviate from Gods path – and miss his plan for us – whether they are others distortions, or our own.

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